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Looking into China Digital Market Trend 2022
Source: | Author:QS | Published time: 2022-04-29 | 1133 Views | Share:

Do you know what are the most popular digital advertising methods in China this year? And how do advertisers choose the right promotion platform for the campaign? The answers could be found in the recently released "2022 Digital Marketing Budget Trend Report" by CTR Marketing Research and we will interpret the latest trends in China's digital marketing in this article.

1. China's digital marketing confidence has recovered, and the promotion budget are expected to further increase in 2022

According to the report, the global spending on advertisement has increased by 19.9% year-on-year, of which the most significant growth is digital advertising, with a growth rate of nearly 30%.

Meanwhile, China's advertising market is also returning to growth in 2021. In the first half of 2021, advertising spending increased by 23% year-on-year, far exceeding the spending in the same period in previous years. The confidence of advertisers in digital marketing in China is also gradually recovering, with 42.9% of advertisers saying that they will continue to increase the promotion expenses of digital marketing in China in 2022.


2. Five major ad format in China digital marketing

As can be seen from the data of the report, the top five types of ad format that has chosen by the advertisers the most in 2021 are: short video ads, native ads, live broadcast ads, advertorial, and search ads. At the same time, more than 20% of advertisers expected to increase their promotion budgets for short videos, live broadcasts ads, native and search ads in 2022.


3. Advertisers pay more attention to site traffic and advertising innovation

In order to improve the coverage of accurate users, 81.5% of advertisers pay more attention to the scale of site traffic and tend to place more precise and direct advertising forms on platforms where users browse and gather.


In order to attract more users' attention, 81.2% of advertisers want to promote on a new platform or in a more innovative advertising format. They believe the new platform can bring them new users and open new market segments. Furthermore, the stronger the platform innovation, the more diverse advertising can bring a stronger influence on its own marketing.


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