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WeChat launches major features: Creator Revenue Sharing Plan is coming!
Source: | Author:Amie | Published time: 2023-04-27 | 977 Views | Share:

On March 28th, 2023, WeChat Public Class PRO · WeChat Meetup officially opened in Guangzhou. The heads of important application components such as Video Accounts, WeChat Pay, Mini Programs, Search, and Enterprise WeChat all appeared, announcing a series of new plans and capabilities for each section's future development, including a series of plans to help creators and operators improve efficiency and increase revenue, as well as link industries and assist in the development of various new tools and applications for practical integration.


Video Accounts will promote the Creator Revenue Sharing Plan

In 2022, the cumulative number of authors with income increased by 2.64 times compared to the previous year, and live streaming sales increased by 800%. As the content ecosystem becomes increasingly rich, aiding in the growth of creator income is the focus of the next phase of Video Accounts.

This year, Video Accounts will further help creators increase revenue by launching a new Creator Revenue Sharing Plan and providing paid subscription functions for high-quality creators.


The Creator Revenue Sharing Plan: High-quality content that has undergone original declaration can enjoy original rights, including comment section advertising sharing, original content platform protection, and platform distribution priority recommendation.

Paid subscription function: Creators can set up a paid content area, and fans can subscribe to the content by paying monthly fees to become members.

To help creators gain more content distribution scenarios, Video Accounts' "personal business card" will undergo significant upgrades. In addition to the currently supported videos, live broadcasts, and products, the Video Accounts homepage is trying to support long audio and even graphic and text content forms.

With more personalized styles and more exciting content, it is believed that more outstanding creators will be discovered and followed. As a highly anticipated feature, WeChat Video Accounts have achieved remarkable results in the past year. According to data, the daily active creator count and daily video upload volume of Video Accounts have doubled year-on-year, and consumption time has tripled. In 2022, Video Accounts' live streaming sales increased by 800%, and the cumulative number of authors with income increased by 2.64 times compared to 2021. These data indicate that Video Accounts' commercialization path is becoming increasingly mature. Zhang Xiaochao, Vice President of Tencent and head of Video Accounts, stated that Video Accounts will further help creators increase revenue this year by launching a new Creator Revenue Sharing Plan and providing paid subscription functions for high-quality creators.

The paid subscription function will support creators in setting up a paid content area, and users can become members by paying monthly fees. High-quality content that has undergone original declaration can enjoy a series of original rights, including comment section advertising sharing, original content platform protection, and platform distribution priority recommendation. In addition, as the only publicly available C-end business card within WeChat's domain, the display method of the creator homepage will undergo significant upgrades in 2023. Under the new display method, in addition to the inherent video, live broadcast, and showcase modules, the Video Accounts homepage is trying to support long audio and even graphic and text content forms.

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